
EP 04 – The “Neuro-Science” of Child Behavior with Adele Anderson 

 August 22, 2019

By  The Blissful Parent

Today on The Blissful Parent Podcast we are joined by one of our expert faculty members Adele Anderson. She is an NLP (aka Neuro-Linguistic Programming) master and practitioner trainer.

Adele’s specialty is working with people and more specifically counselors, families, and children. Her work helps with home behavior issues like listening, family connection and taking influential control of communication with your kids.

Adele’s work springboards the concepts and ability in learning how to manage both ours and our child’s emotions. Further deepening our family connections with each other.

Connect with Adele: 

Email ► yes@lifecoachadele.com

Website ► https://lifecoachadele.com

Podcast ► Mind Your Freedom

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