
EP 46 – The Extraordinary in Your Every Day with Simone Knego 

 October 4, 2021

By  The Blissful Parent

While sometimes as a mom it feels like you’re just doing the same things over and over without contributing to the world in a meaningful way, the truth is that the tiny things you do every day have an impact.

In today’s episode, our special guest, Simone, shares how she realized the extraordinary power in what seems mundane at first and how she challenges herself and sets a good example for her children.

Simone Knego is a mother of 6 children & 4 dogs, serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author of the book, “The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You”. She has a Master’s in Accounting but soon realized that numbers weren’t her passion but rather, it was helping people. This led her to become an elementary and exceptional education teacher to work with children. Today, she desires to help people has expanded into inspiring and motivating others as an author and speaker. She has done some pretty remarkable things in her life: climbed Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds and awareness for the Livestrong Foundation and served 6 years (including one year as co-chair) in the National Young Leadership Cabinet for the Jewish Federations of North America. She desires to help individuals recognize that it’s the little things we do each day that have the biggest impact on the world around us.

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