
EP 51- Is Being A Perfect Parent Hurting Your Kids?with Johanna Derbolowsky 

 November 8, 2021

By  The Blissful Parent

Johanna has a message for you: no kid needs a perfect parent.

The truth is we are human and so are our kids. It’s always going to be at least a little bit imperfect. And learning to manage mistakes (and grow from them) is far more valuable than pretending everything is perfect.

Johanna Derbolowsky, mother of two beautiful souls and best-selling author of the book “The Transformation Promise”, has helped clients worldwide with life’s major changes and transformations: from identifying long past incidents that can be the source of current difficulties or health issues to dealing with career changes, finding and sustaining fulfilling relationships with partners and children, to the truly ultimate transformation at the end-of-life. 

She also recently published “28 Days to Love, Joy and Prosperity”, a workbook. Ms. Derbolowsky, the developer of the Quantum Heart Field Experience is a clairvoyant medium, recognized metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor, and energy worker. Her sessions are spirit-guided and client-specific. Johanna has a private practice and teaches seminars in the U.S. and Europe.

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