
EP 116 – How Parents With Different Cultures And Values Can Learn To Work Together with Figs O’Sullivan 

 January 26, 2023

By  The Blissful Parent

Every parent grew up in a different family culture. We have different opinions and values on how we will raise our kids. Our parenting style may differ from our spouse. So, how can parents with different values and styles learn to work together in raising their kids? 

Relationship expert, Figs O’Sullivan talks about how our family relationships growing up, impact how we parent or set our triggers. He also dives into how parents can use empathy to connect with their kids. We should not let our differences confuse and stress out our kids. We should work together and make our kids feel sure and secure. 

“I encourage parents to be cultural anthropologists.. Study your own family culture, understand what those values were and see that they’re not universally true…One isn’t necessarily right or wrong, they just come from different cultures. You’re going to get together, and create your own culture.” – Figs O’Sullivan

About our Guest:

Fiachra “Figs” O’Sullivan is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, well-known relationship expert and commander-in-chief to the top rated therapists in San Francisco. As founder of Empathi, Figs’ proprietary process provides relationship support and guidance to tens of thousands couples and individuals who care about the quality of their relationships.

Website: https://empathi.com/

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