
EP 86- Help Kids Unpack Their Emotional Backpack with Dimple Arora 

 July 8, 2022

By  The Blissful Parent

Even kids can regulate big emotions and recalibrate their brains with simple EFT techniques. Dimple Arora is here today to tell us how we can teach our kids to manage their emotions and also more easily switch between activities.

Dimple Arora is the founder of Mindful Evolution (ME) — a parenting movement that aims to empower mothers and their kids towards positive transformation and life changing results…one thought, one emotion and one choice at a time.

Dimple is an expert in women and teen girl empowerment and specializes in helping individuals reduce the debilitating effects of stress and anxiety using mindfulness, nutrition, EFT tapping and other energy psychology modalities. Dimple is a Certified Life Coach, EFT and NLP Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist and Energy Therapist. She holds degrees in mathematics, business, and education and was previously employed in the corporate world and as a high school math teacher.

Connect with Dimple Arora:

You can book a complimentary coaching call with Dimple on her website at https://www.mindfulevolution.ca

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