
EP 35 – 4 Healthy Solutions to Parenting Hypersensitive Children with Lafaya Mitchell 

 July 19, 2021

By  The Blissful Parent

A hypersensitive child can be gifted intellectually but easily overwhelmed by crowds, noises, unexpected situations, changes in routine, and emotional distress expressed by others. Whether the expression of their sensitivity will be an advantage or a source of anxiety depends primarily on parenting.

In this episode, our special guest breaks down the ways in which to deal with hypersensitive children that promote healing and happiness at home.

Lafaya Mitchell is a licensed marriage and family therapist with over twenty years of experience providing culturally sensitive care to “difficult to treat populations.” She is also an author, speaker, coach, and the founder of The Lafaya Way. “The Lafaya Way” is an advanced relational approach building bridges for effective interactions in difficult interpersonal relationships and social situations. It promotes healing in conjunction with every human’s authentic desire to connect healthily by living their “Honest Truth.”

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