
EP 28 – Empowerment Beyond ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, and Anxiety with Ashleigh Tolliver 

 April 20, 2021

By  The Blissful Parent

Are you a parent of a shy, strong-willed, highly emotional, loud, overly active, sometimes out-of-control kid? Then hear out the story of Ashleigh Tolliver. She shares ways of parenting kids who do not fit into the ‘box’ modern society has put children into. Her final message…You are doing the best you can as a parent, and if you need some creative help, there are so many tools at your fingertips to use so you can enjoy parenting “that kid” and empower “that kid” to live beyond his/her unique challenges.

Ashleigh Tolliver is the host of the Parenting That Kid podcast. She is a nurse by trade focused in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as well as on the Post Partum unit. She is a mom to seven-year-old twins – a highly sensitive little boy and a daughter with ADHD. Her mission is to help other parents of “that kid” feel less alone, more confident, and more equipped by asking the tough questions to the professionals, gathering tools and resources, and connecting with other moms who are wrestling with the same struggles.

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