
EP 37 – Discipline Hacks For Parents of Teens and Tweens with Nellie Harden 

 August 2, 2021

By  The Blissful Parent

Did you know that the first 18 years of your child’s life can break or make them? That you have the greatest influence on their lives during this time?

In today’s episode, our special guest reveals one thing every parent needs to know (and do!) if they want to help their teens and tweens develop a solid foundation of self-led discipline that will enable them to thrive.

Nellie Harden is a wife, mom, dreamer, family life coach & mentor, and entrepreneur to businesses born from personal experience and work that serves others with a big purpose. Coming from a career background in marine mammal sciences and behavioral work she decided that creating a life designed by purpose and for freedom was how she and her husband, along with their four daughters, wanted to live. She believes that a family filled with creativity, fun, laughter, challenge, adventure, problem-solving, hugs, good food, sound discipline & learning can not only change a person’s life but also change the world.

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