Would you like to grow that special bond between you and your child? Improving your communication skills is the key that you need. We all know that in this busy world, and in this digital world, communication within the family is very challenging, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
Yes, you can improve your family communication skills. How? Dr. Denny Coates is here to give us some helpful tips! He is an expert in parent-child communication and adolescent brain development. Listen to Dr. Denny’s practical tips on how you can build that special bond with your child by improving your communication skills.
“Just as in leadership, just about everything you do as a leader is an act of communication. And so if you think about it, almost everything a parent does is an act of communication, whether it’s nonverbal or verbal. So it’s a big deal” – Dr. Denny Coates
About our Guest:
Coates is an expert in parent-child communication and adolescent brain development. He is the author of six books and hundreds of articles for parents. His two latest books, Connect with Your Kid: Mastering the Top 10 Parent-Child Communication Skills and Parents Coaching Parents, provide a practical, step-by-step approach that helps parents build a bond with their child that lasts a lifetime.
More information on https://DrDennyCoates.com.
Listening to Understand: The Superpower of Strong Parents: https://drdennycoates.com/free/
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