
EP 90 – How to Create Successful Teen Social Media that Enhances Their Future with Donovan Dreyer 

 October 13, 2022

By  The Blissful Parent

When we talk about social media to kids and teens, we usually have that negative perspective about it, but is it really how we thought about it? What if you can figure out a way to make this social media a great tool to help your teens in their future?

Teen Takeoff Coach Donovan Dreyer, joins Michelle as they talk about how you can help your teens create the most fulfilling future possible, and how social media can be a great tool for that. There’s a lot of good things that can happen from social media, as long as it’s in proportion to their age, ability and their level.

“This is a tool that exists, we can’t just pretend it doesn’t exist. And there’s some amazing good uses out of it. So we’ve got to actually introduce them to the ways it can be used for good.” – Donovan Dreyer

About our Guest:

Donovan started his career focus with a dream of becoming a pilot. Despite years of training and earning a degree, he discovered his real passion was not flying a plane, but instead helping parents and teens navigate the bumpy airways of life.

Since making his big shift, he has coached hundreds of teens to find their right path in life, to discover their inner confidence and to get on track with a vision of their future. In today’s world of overwhelm, anxiety of the future, stress, and pressure to be competitive- Donovan uses his unique gift to help the teens get calm, clear and fall in love with their new life path.

Donovan has spoken at the American School Counselor Association National Conference, the Wyoming School Counselor Association State Conference, Colorado State University, University of Northern Colorado, as well as various Colorado school districts, community colleges and virtually on podcasts and webinars. He is now on a mission to be an advocate for 1 Million teens to help them navigate this new world.

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